Last UPDATE OF PRICES: 22.10.2024 08:35:02
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Terms & Conditions


Terms & Conditions of 3signa, s.r.o, address Jilemnického 540/17, 911 01 Trenčín, Slovakia, ID No: 46754776, VAT No.: SK2023556700, registered in the Commercial Register of the Court of Trenčín, section Sro, No 26583/R

  • apply to all contracts concluded between 3signa, s.r.o. and the buyer
  • are part of the purchase agreement completed between the seller and the buyer and govern the rights and obligations between the two parties




Seller: The seller is 3signa, s.r.o., address Jilemnického 540/17, 911 01 Trenčín, Slovakia, ID No: 46754776, VAT No.: SK2023556700, registered in the Commercial Register of the Court of Trenčín, section Sro, No 26583/R.

Buyer: Buyer is an individual or legal person who has entered into a business relationship with the seller.

Parties: Contracted parties are the seller and the buyer together or each one individually.


Goods: By goods are meant the products which the seller offers on the website.

Purchase agreement: The agreement between the seller and the buyer, the subject of which is the purchase of the goods listed and displayed on the website.

Electronic order: Electronic order means the order sent through the website


Order and Purchase Contract


1. By sending the electronic order, the buyer confirms that he agrees to the Terms & Conditions.

2. For purchase order to be deemed valid, it must contain the following information:

  • personal information of the buyer (name, e-mail address, telephone number, billing address, shipping address, or company name, ID and VAT number), name of product, quantity, delivery method Customer registration on our website is not necessary to create the order.

3. After your order is sent off, you will receive an e-mail confirming the receipt of this order.

4. By confirmation of the order, the purchase contract between the seller and the buyer is concluded and binding. Buyers cannot withdraw from the contract the subject of which is the sale of goods or services whose price depends on fluctuations in the financial market, which the seller cannot influence.

5. Realised orders from the customer are orders with payment obligations.


Price of Goods and Payment


1. The prices on our site are updated every minute depending on the movement of stock prices in precious metals and the development of the EUR/USD. Prices are also updated during the order process.

2. All prices on our website are inclusive of VAT, are final and valid at the time of order.

3. After the order confirmation, the seller sends via e-mail to the buyer a final invoice for the goods ordered.

4. The buyer is obliged to arrange a payment of the final invoice promptly after receipt by a bank transfer to the seller's account given on the invoice. The invoice due date is two days, and the payment date is the date of crediting the amount to the account of the seller.

  • The seller has the right to ask the buyer to send a copy of the realised payment via e-mail.

5. If the buyer makes payment by cash deposit to the bank branch and bank charges some fee for such operation, the fee shall be borne by the client. 

6. Payment in cash is possible upon the personal collection and by prior arrangement with the seller up to the amount prescribed by law, i.e. 15.000 EUR. In the case of a cash transaction over 10.000 EUR, the client is obliged to identify himself in the sense of Act 297/2008 Coll.  on the Prevention of Legalization of Proceeds of Criminal Activity and Terrorist Financing and fill in the Client Declaration.

7. Cash on delivery is possible at the request of the client only within the Slovak Republic to a total value of order up to 500 EUR. For payment on delivery we do not charge any fees, postage rates are identical with those set out in the Terms and Conditions.


Business Hours


1. Fixation takes place 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

2. For customers we are available at the time of 8:30 to 19:00 hrs, including weekends and holidays.


Delivery Terms


1. After payment of the final invoice to the seller, it takes usually up to 7 working days to deliver the goods to the buyer.

2. In case of unavailability of goods or extension of the delivery date for reasons beyond the seller’s control, the seller reserves the right to extend the delivery date by the time necessary to overcome the complication. The seller shall immediately inform the buyer about that fact.

3. If the seller cannot satisfy the order even after such extended period, the buyer has the right to ask the seller to refund the full purchase price of the goods. The seller must satisfy such request and refund the entire price by bank transfer to the purchaser within 3 working days.

4. If the buyer has chosen personal collection in the order, the seller informs the buyer of the possible date for collection. Personal collection is possible in one of the offices of 3signa, s.r.o. – at Seberíniho 9, Bratislava or Jilemnického 17, Trenčín; if the seller and the buyer have not agreed on a different site.

5. In other cases the goods are dispatched through Slovak posting service or EMS delivery company, always securely packed and insured for full value of the goods.

6. The buyer is obliged to ensure that on the day the goods are arranged for delivery, there is a person at the place of delivery who takes over the shipment.

7. Postage and insurance are paid by the buyer. Postage will be added to the final price of the goods depending on the value of the consignment. Price includes transport costs, insurance shipments for the full value of the goods and packaging. Shipping prices are inclusive of VAT.

Slovakia - postage rates for shipments with a value of:

  • up to 495 EUR - 5 EUR postage
  • 495,01 - 1.500 EUR - 8 EUR postage
  • 1.500,01 - 2.500 EUR - 10 EUR postage
  • 2.500,01 - 5.000 EUR - 14 EUR postage
  • 5.000,01 - 10.000 EUR - 20 EUR postage
  • 10.000,01 - 20.000 EUR - 26 EUR postage
  • 20.000,01 - 40.000 EUR - 60 EUR postage
  • 40.000,01 - 100.000 EUR - 100 EUR postage
  • over 100.000 EUR - personal collection only

8. If the shipment is not delivered to the purchaser or is in any way damaged (in this case he refuses to accept the shipment), the buyer must immediately inform the seller by phone or e-mail.


Refusal of Order by the Seller


The seller may refuse to execute the order in the following cases:

  • in the case of incorrect registration of published current price (the customer will be immediately informed of this by e-mail)
  • if the order is considered unserious or dubious
  • if the buyer previously delayed the payment of the price of the goods ordered, or did not meet other conditions or obligations in terms of collection of goods
  • if the purchaser has requirements that are conflicting with these Terms and Conditions or provides incorrect data
  • if the buyer will not answer the calls from the seller


Complaints and Warranty


1. The warranty period for all goods is 24 months. The warranty period starts from the date of delivery or from the date of personal hand over of the goods to the purchaser.

2. Warranty does not cover defects in the goods arising after its receipt by the buyer as a result of acts of nature, rough handling, improper storage and improper handling of goods.

3. The buyer is obliged to check quantity and quality of the goods supplied and immediately informs the seller about identified defects via an e-mail message. The seller confirms the receipt of the complaint by e-mail and agrees with the buyer on sending the goods back or taking them back personally. Delivery costs shall be borne by the buyer. Address for service or delivery of goods: 3signa, s.r.o., Jilemnického 17, 911 01 Trenčín.

4. Seller shall settle the claim without delay, not later than 30 days from the date of the claim. After this period the buyer has the right to exchange goods.




Privacy policy can be found in this link.


Final Provisions


1. These Terms and Conditions apply as stated on the web site of the seller on the date when the order has been sent off by the buyer.

2. Seller is entitled to make amendments to these Terms and Conditions, which take effect from their publication on the website.

3. Buyer declares that before placing an order he is acquainted with these Terms and Conditions, and that agrees with them.

4. Relationships between the two parties, which are not governed by this document shall be governed by the provisions of Act no. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code, Act no. 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code, Act no. 250/2007 on Consumer Protection, Act no. 372/1990 Coll. on Offences, Act no. 102/2014 on Consumer protection in the sale of goods or provision of services on the basis of the distance contract, Act no. 22/2004 on Electronic commerce; as amended, or other laws.

5. Seller and buyer acknowledge communication via web pages and e-mail, including attachments, as binding for both parties.


Terms & Conditions are valid from 1.9.2012

Last update was made on 1.7.2023

22.10.2024 08:35:02
immediate fixation at the current price
fixation takes place 24/7
delivery of the goods the next day after sending
personal collection in Bratislava and Trenčín
prices on our site are updated every minute, are final and valid at the time of the order
for regular customers, however, we are also available outside working hours, including weekends and holidays
products labeled "In stock" we generally shipped on the day of the payment to the bank account, other goods are shipped during 3-7 working days
packages are sent in a special security cover and insured for the full value of the goods
office Bratislava - Seberíniho 9, office Trenčín - Legionárska 2



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